Written by Micaela Szpigiel on January 24, 2025.
When a vendor at the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market pulls you aside and says “I have some really important people I think you should meet”, which is exactly what Caren from Freebars said to me on a market Saturday in mid-December, you follow. I was introduced to two kind and inspiring people, Jim and Audrey Shipka. You might be thinking, what makes them so inspiring? In short, it’s their decades-long love for each other, and their joint passion for supporting their local vendors at the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market.

Player Card for Jim in 1960
In 1956, all of Edmonton knew Jim Shipka, a true fan favourite. Born and raised in the city, Jim was a rising star on the Edmonton Eskimos football team playing with Don Getty and Bill Smith to win the Grey Cup.
In early 1956, while a student of Engineering at the University of Alberta, Jim asked his friend “Who is that blonde over there?” referring to Audrey, who was likely the only person in Edmonton who didn’t know who Jim was. Jim introduced himself to Audrey and they quickly fell in love and married on December 14, 1957, and later had two beautiful children.

Loreta, Jim, Audrey, and Ken Shipka 2024
In the summer of 1983, Jim and Audrey attended the first-ever Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market and have been known and loved regular customers ever since.
Today, Jim and Audrey are both in their 90s and thriving. They frequent the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market with their son Ken and his wife Loreta almost every Saturday. Ken says that coming to the farmers’ market is the highlight of his parents’ week and his and Loreta’s as well.
“This is the place where we know that what we buy is the freshest produce and goods made with the most local ingredients,” Audrey says. Jim continues to tell me that “living long and healthy lives, staying active, and eating healthy is their top priority.”

Audrey, Sheila (Sunworks Farm), and Jim, 2024
Many of our long-time vendors have known Jim and Audrey for 20+ years, building friendships beyond the market walls. Jim and Audrey are such an inspiring and welcoming couple that within minutes of introducing themselves, new vendors know they can call them their friends.
As Jim and Audrey walk the rows of the market on Saturdays, their vendor friends come out of their booths for hugs and catchup chats.

Jim serenading Audrey, 2024
Jim and Audrey love music, and to this day, Jim still plays the guitar for his love, Audrey. If you’ve ever busked here, you might have had the honour of playing music for them to dance to.
This past December, Jim and Audrey spent their 67th wedding anniversary doing their favourite things: shopping, dancing, and visiting their friends at the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market all under one roof.
“It’s not every day that you meet two kind, humble, truly amazing people who complement each other perfectly,” Loreta says.
After hearing a small part of Jim and Audrey’s story and their wonderful connection with the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market, I knew this was something special to be shared. Jim and Audrey are examples of how supporting your local farmers’ market by shopping and consuming local healthy foods can lead to a long and happy life.
If you see Jim and Audrey walking around the market, smile at them, and you will surely get a smile back.

Jim and Audrey Shipka, 2024

Jim and Isabella (Olive Me) hugging, Audrey smiling in the background.