OSFM Outdoor Satellite Markets – Vendor Application

Looking to join our awesome community of local vendors who all Make, Bake, and Grow their products?  Check out the information below to learn more.

Step 1: Review the Application Criteria

Please review the following information before submitting your application – this helps you figure out if you’re a good fit for our market and make a complete and informed application!

Vendor Criteria

Here are some very basic guidelines to help you determine if you and your products are the right fit for OSFM.

Food and Agriculture

  • Do you personally farm/produce (fruits/vegetables, grains, flowers, meat, fish, dairy, honey) within the Province of Alberta?
  • If farming/production is not possible in Alberta’s climate, does it take place in Canada?
  • Do you use food ingredients to make, bake, or create value-added food products?
  • Do you use other agricultural raw materials to create value-added products?


  • Do you personally create non-food products out of raw materials?
  • Do you use purchased materials to create value-added non-food products?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we encourage you to proceed to Step 2!

What We’re Looking For

Recommended, but not required (help you stand out and have a competitive edge!)

  • The more local, the better!
  • Raw materials are produced by you (as opposed to purchased)
  • Purchased raw materials come from local (Alberta) sources
  • You offer unique products not already sold at OSFM
  • Your farm is less than 10 acres of growing space
  • Your greenhouse is less than 12,000 square feet of growing space
  • You produce specialty crops not already sold at OSFM


  • Packaging cost is less than 20% of retail price
  • You follow all necessary Provincial products and packaging regulations
  • Your products and premises pass all regulatory inspections (e.g., health and safety inspections, food quality inspections)
  • You have all the necessary permits to display at your booth
  • Any value-added products demonstrate at least 50% increase in added value

Please note the above is a simplified version of full criteria and definitions. Your business and products will be subject to a more complete and thorough review. These criteria may change without notice.

Step 2: Submit Your Application

Complete the form below.

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